Friday, 8 July 2011

A Fine Mess

When it comes right down to it, I'm a bit lazy when it comes to scouting out new locations for my still photography.

By pointing to an unknown spot on a map and getting in the car to drive there on the hope that I'll find a photographic treasure is a bit chancy. What if the time of year or day are not right, and what if the place turns out to be boring, or worse yet, a dump?

Sometimes, though, a dump turns into that photographic treasure. And, sometimes, someone else arranges it for you so you don't have to find it for yourself. Sweet.

This happened back in May when I found out that an abandoned factory was being opened up to photographers for the day. It was the Massey Ferguson tractor plant in Brantford, Ontario, which hasn't been used since the 80s. Now, calling it a dump is a bit harsh, but after all, the buildings and the grounds were in a state of extreme neglect. So much so that the fire department inspected the premises earlier in the week and decided to make building interiors off-limits to photographers.

Most of the time, we strive to photograph scenes that are pristine. Yet, having the opportunity to capture decay, grime and a depressing industrial atmosphere is strangely inspirational.

A Fine Mess - Images by Gordon Wood